Sunday, April 6, 2008

Taylor Swift and Rascal Flatts

It was soooo awesome! We had great seats even though I had thought they were going to be kinda crappy according to the seating chart. I think had we gotten the floor seats I had at first, it would have been difficult to see. We were off to the side of the stage, 19 rows off the floor! So cool!

Taylor Swift sang for an hour and 30 minutes. She sang great! She is definatley sincere to her fans...and don't ever cheat on her, cause she will write a song about ya! LOL

These guys!! OMG what an awesome show! The light show, the fun and games, everything! Their stage is amazing. They had the main stage, and the round one you see here that has a bridge that lifted so it was not down all the time, only when they were going to cross it.
G missed the first 2 songs becuase he was getting Katie her Taylor Swift tee-shirt...what a good daddy! It was spectacular! It was soooo hard to get great pics though because of all the lights and because they never stopped moving! hehehe
I managed to get a few...but dang it is so sad to look at the pics andnot be able to hear what they were singing at the time! It was such an awesome show and well worth the $60 for tickets! I will definately be in the Dome next year when they return!!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

K and I are well supposed to see them this Thursday I hope we have the same great experience you did. We ar sooo excited!